Friday 22 August 2014

Tikjda algeria

municipality of El ESNAM, Bouira Wilaya in Algeria, 32 km east of the capital of wilaya, is a former ski
resort at 1,478 m above sea level on the south side Djurdjuran in Kabylia.

Bouira, access to higher regions of the chain Djurdjuran is easy. Although its altitude flush the 2,000 m, this mountain range offers all the features of the high mountains. It owes to the nature of the rocks jagged peaks, with sharp peaks, gigantic walls in steep-sided. Tikjda is located in the foothills of the Akouker.

Tikjda is the starting point for many scenic journeys north overlooking the Massif Central of Kabylie where nest nearly a thousand Berber villages, and south, Kabylia Soummam Bibans and the rich fertile plains of the country Kabyle near Highlands. Otherwise, an infinite number of pastoral mountain paths used to move from one massif to another (join Tala Guilef north of the western chain Djurdjuran the Haïzer to discover endemic cedar forests or in isolated clumps in high altitude (beyond 2,000 m) or in forests such as those of Tigounatine, Taouialt or later, the famous forest at Ouabanes (cedars, oaks, maples, poplars, larch whose colors are of those of the Indian summer north American), home to numerous legends and tales Kabyle. Tikjda Since you can reach Tamda Goulmin (the Lake), a sort of pond or lake altitude, rather special, and many others.

Finally, Tikjda offers the most beautiful views on the headlights peaks Djurdjuran: Pyramid Tamgout Amghor Lalla Khlidja (better known as Lalla Khadija, 2308 m) and Aqerru Timedwin, dizzying mountain bare lunar landscapes dotted on its peak many natural ponds or deep "holes" or nestle water and say "eternal" ice (hence its name Timedwin), fueling countless springs that flow continuously from either side of its slopes.

The site is particularly exposed to exceptional snow accumulation for the Mediterranean region (comparable to the region of Mercantour) due to iron-rich mineral subsurface and proximity to the Mediterranean Sea. 
Tikjda is a tourist site in the eastern province of Bouira at 1478 m altitude in the heart of the mountain range Djurdjuran and the National Park and Biosphere UNESCO headquarters the same name. Tikjda is known nationally but internationally little apart from foreign residents in Algeria. Tikjda is also a dedicated structure, in addition to tourism, sports training in altitude condition: footballers with stage Asswil - since the late 1990s - for martial artists, an ancient tradition besides of course the flagship sports station: the ski season which lasts from December to April, as in the Alps.

Station Tikjda, whose name comes from "Tgjdit" referring to the powerful trunks of cedar used as central pillars symbolic and traditional Kabyle houses, allows regular practice of all the mountain sports, summer and winter. The track "Tigounatin" set up in the cedar forest has always been the most popular unlike those dizzy and bare of Akouker - the lifts worked only a few weeks before the tempestuous climate neutralized. Hiking, trekking, caving and climbing high level (in view of limestone needles that make up the chain Djurdjuran) are also popular with the introduction still shy paragliding apart from some experienced practitioners. The station has two chairlifts, several lifts today obsolete and unusable, which allowed skiers chalet Kef and the Hotel Djurdjuran joining the top of the slopes.
Tikjda, Algeria

Tikjda at an altitude of 1,600 metres has been turned into a charming little winter sports centre, the centre of skiing in the Djurdjura Mountains. In summer time, this area offers a number of great walks, as well as rock climbing. The area around Tikjda is beautiful, with many peaks and hillsides covered with cedar forests. Tikjda offers many short excursions, with places like Point de vue du Djurdjura and Gouffre de l'Akouker. From the latter, virtually all of the Kabylia as well as the Mediterranean Sea can be spotted on clear days.
If all this wasn't enough, a small glacier can be found 3-4 km from Tikjda, the Takouatz Guerisséne. Around 10 km to the west of Tikjda, the lake of Goulmin is found, a sight worth this detour over and over again.According to our information, there are no nearby hotels, as well as no restaurants.

Buses pass through the area, often quite full. This is anyway, a good place to discover either while trekking, or with your own transportation.

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